Training And Placement

Government Polytechnic, Murtijapur is technical institute in Amravati region. The rigorous and flexible academic curriculum, exposure to industry has heightened and strengthened students’ allround development. Maintaining a great legacy, GPA continued to nurture the students for the strong academic performance through theoretical concepts and practical understanding, thereby creating future leaders of society.




1Shri. A.J. DeshmukhIncharge Training and Placement

The process of registration starts from fifth semester of diploma up to end of sixth semester every year. As the eligibility criteria differ from company to company registration is done for individual company. The students are informed about company’s requirements, job profile and future prospects. The list of registered students is sent to company.

After initial screening by the company the students are allowed to sit for online/offline aptitude test and or technical test. Company sends the list of eligible students for GD and interview. The students selected are offered job by company.

The students are also sent for off campus if they are willing to appear for it.

There is no restriction to all registered and eligible students on appearing in interviews unless the company in which the student is selected insists that student should not be allowed to take part in another campus.

It mandatory for all students appearing for any process of campus drive to come in college uniform.

  • Students must keep their Identity Card with them at the time of Pre placement Talk (PPT) /Test/Group Discussion / Personal Interviews and produce the same when demanded by the visiting team or TPO staff.
  • It is mandatory for students to register for the company to participate in the placement process of the company. Attendance in PPT is mandatory after registration, to be eligible for further placement process. Students proceeding after the PPT for the next step in the selection process of a Company cannot quit in between.

The Training and Placement Cell is an integral part of this college. Training & Placement activities are organized throughout the year with a view to prepare the prospective learners for the campus selection programs. It is heartening to state that reputed industries across the country visit this college regularly for campus recruitment programs however, cell maintains good rapport with all industries for effective recruitment. In order to enhance the employability quotient of the students as demanded by industry, the Training & Placement cell provides the much needed training to the students to hone their employability skills. These training programs give the students tips on how to crack aptitude, group discussion, interview skills and resume preparation. The cell also educates the students with career opportunities in different areas such as Public Sector, Armed forces and Government Sector services by conducting guest lecture regularly.

(Click To view or Download)

1) Placement of Students.pdf

2) Training of Teaching Staff.pdf   

Campus Placement for 2023-24

Entrepreneurship Development Programme (EDP) Cell was established in the Institute with a vision to introduce & promote Entrepreneurship skills among the students & Industry-Institute Interaction (III). The EDP Cell is a non-profit student-run cell at CDLSIET Panniwala Mota (Sirsa) under the supervision of Faculty in-charge. The mission of EDP cell is to encourage & refine the Entrepreneurial and product development skills of the students like idea generation, opportunity evaluation, business modeling, marketing, Intellectual property rights, new innovative project development, skill development and many more. To develop the above qualities & to become an Entrepreneur, Entrepreneurship Club is also constituted in the Institute under EDP Cell.

To become an entrepreneur and to promote the entrepreneurship qualities among the students and Industry-Institute interactions, the cell is conducting regular lectures, workshops, seminars, competitions inside the Institute and beyond the walls of the Institute. The cell is conducting R&D, cooperative educations, Industry-Institute Interactions & management.