Science And Humanities


Established in the year 2009, the Department of General Science & Humanities Department conducts teaching –learning process in different subjects like Basic Physics, Basic Chemistry, Basic Mathematics, English, Applied Physics, Applied Chemistry, Engineering Mathematics, Communication Skills, Development of Life Skills-I, Applied Mathematics as a part of curriculum of MSBTE, Mumbai to first year students of diploma engineering.

To produce diploma level mechanical engineers to serve industry and society and to make them capable for life – long learning.

1) To impart Mechanical Engineering Knowledge to fulfill Industrial and Societal needs.

2) To produce Diploma level Mechanical Engineers capable for pursuing higher studies.

3) To promote Students for serving Industry and Society with high ethical values.

PEO-1: Successfully practice or apply the principles of Mechanical Engineering in variety of employment areas.

PEO-2: Achieve professional success with an understanding and appreciation of ethical behavior, social responsibility, and diversity, both as individuals and in team environment.

PEO-3: Pursue life-long learning through professional practice, further graduate education or other training programs in engineering science or professional fields.

PO1 – Basic and Discipline specific knowledge: Apply knowledge of basic mathematics, science and engineering fundamentals and engineering specialization to solve the engineering problems.

PO2 – Problem Analysis: Identify and analyse well-defined engineering problems using codified standard methods.

PO3 – Design/ development of solutions: Design solutions for well-defined technical problems and assist with the design of systems components or processes to meet specified needs.

PO4 – Engineering Tools, Experimentation and Testing: Apply modern engineering tools and appropriate technique to conduct standard tests and measurements.

PO5 – Engineering practices for society, sustainability and environment: Apply appropriate technology in context of society, sustainability, environment and ethical practices.

PO6 – Project Management: Use engineering management principles individually, as a team member or a leader to manage projects and effectively communicate about well-defined engineering activities.

PO7 – Life-long learning: Ability to analyse individual needs and engage in updating in the context of technological changes.


PSO1 – Modern Software Usage: Use latest Mechanical engineering related software for simple design, drafting, manufacturing, maintenance and documentation of mechanical engineering components and processes. PSO2 – Equipment and Instruments: Maintain equipment and instruments related to Mechanical Engineering. PSO3 – Mechanical Engineering Processes: Manage Mechanical engineering processes by selecting and scheduling relevant equipment, substrates, quality control techniques, and operational parameters.

Sr. No





E Mail ID

1 Shri S.R. Pachpor Lecturer M.Sc.(Phy) srp4976@gmail.Com
2 Shri DR.R. S. SONONE Lecturer M.Sc.(Chem) M.Phil.Ph.D ravisonone91@gmail.Com
3 Dr. S.S.Raza Lecturer PHD
4 Miss. S.G.KENE Lecturer M.SC.(Phy) M.Phill,B.Ed
Supporting Staff List

Sr no

Supporting Staff Name



Email ID

01 Shri G.D.Gosavi Lab Assistant H.S.C.
02 Mr. P.A.Gadkar Instructor B.E (Mech)
03 Shri J.V.Thorat Lab Assistant HSC
04 Shri V.J.Rathod Lab Attendent B.A.

  S.R.Pachpor:- -Co- Cordinator 1st year Admition,  Time Table/test, MAHA DBT.

Dr R.S.Sonone :- Dep’t monitoring co cordinator, Chemistry lab Incharge. S.M. Kathoye :- I/C IEDSSA

Sr no

Lab Name

Lab Incharge

Lab Utilizations

Major Equipment’s


01 A.P.M. A.G.Guru  Practial/ Demotration 1)Warm and warm wheel ( 2 No) 2) universal force table ( 3 No) 43,400/- 40,500/-
02 S.O.M. A.G.Guru  Practial/ Demotration 1)Computerize and Electro-mechanical universal testing machine 2)RE Torsion testing machine model RTT 300 3) Izod testing Apparatus (As per IS1757) 4)Brinell hardness testing (As per IS1757) 13,90926/- 7,42000/- 79,500/- 67,965/-
03 P.H.Y. H.R.Shaikh  Practial/ Demotration 1)      He-Ne Laser source 0.25W 2)      Demineralization of water treatment equipment 24495/- 8748/-
04 C.H.E. Dr.R.S.Sonone  Practial/ Demotration 1)Swastic BOD   Incubator 2)Muffle furnace 4969/- 7088/-
05 Language Lab. Y.V.Lahane S.M.Kathoye  Practial/ Demotration                      ——

Construction of staff quarters for teaching/non-teaching staff has been completed during current year.